Oil Paintings of Florida

Est.1996  Oil paintings of Florida by John Sterpe all rights reserved

 Home page    What's on the easel    What's in the studio         About the artist            Floridartist@aol.com  

Last update 7/25//2024 

Jonathan 2024

Falling Creek Falls

April into July 2024

Gift of the river spirit

Little awesome vortex

The Alluvial fan 2017

Gateway into dusk

Fire on an North Florida Landscape

Fire on an North Florida Landscape

Sweetwater Spring

Chasing Hurricanes

Misty dawn

 Click onto river titles below to see
 more paintings that are in the Archives. 

The Santa Fe river

The Chassahowitzka

Ichetucknee Springs

Suwannee River

The Silver River

Rock Springs

Rainbow Springs

Peacock Springs

Cayo Costa

Cape Romano

Florida Beaches

Florida Everglades

Florida Landscapes

Florida Lighthouses

Paintings of High Springs Florida

The misty morning series

Other paintings


The red brick trail,

Behind the spillway

The Spillway

Moving Rocks

Rock Springs

Misty Morning on the Santa Fe river

Studio in the forest

So long Smokey Oct 17th , 2022

Jonathan Spring

Armadillo mountains

Boat ramp at dusk


Keepers of the Santa Fe River
(The song)


Keepers of the Santa Fe
River part 2, seven years later , 2018

Let the river flow (song Lyrics) 2014

River of Springs (Song Lyrics) 2015

Time stands still (Song lyrics ) 2017

Going to the river (song lyrics) 2018

Gateway to the Springs,  2015

River rat rap (song lyrics) 2018

Ole wood canoe (The story)

Olde to the little critters, song 2022

Swept away 1999 (The story)

Then, we will Know ( poem)

The Florida Maple tree

The Legend of little Awesome Vortex 2024

Quotes by John Sterpe

In memory of Patton the cat

In memory of Smokey the cat (Poem)

Studio in the forest

The Alluvial plain 2017

The other side of the dunes

sunrise on the cape 2.jpg (87676 bytes)

Cape Romano


Est.1996 ,  Oil paintings of Florida by John Sterpe all rights reserved ©

 Home page    What's on the easel    What's available         About the artist       Studio 352-870-7153      Floridartist@aol.com